
Wednesday 25 March 2020

What do you know about the Vikings?

In Year 4, we have been learning about the Vikings. The Vikings came from all around Scandinavia - the Scandinavian countries are called Norway, Sweden and Denmark today. The Vikings sent armies to Britain about the year 700 AD to take over the land, and they lived here until around 1050. Even though the Vikings didn’t stay in Britain, they left a strong mark on society – we’ve even kept some of the same names of towns. They had a large settlement around York and the Midlands, and you can see some of the artefacts from Viking settlements today.

Visit the BBC bitesize website about Vikings to find out more about the Vikings. What interesting facts can you find? Write them in the Comments box below. 

Try writing your name using the runes above. What about the names of other people in your house? Could you write a secret message in runes?

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