
Tuesday 24 March 2020

Multiplication Squares - Nrich maths activity

As part of your home learning, you will have been practising your times tables. Thinking about your knowledge of multiples and factors, try and solve the problem below. 

What can you see? 
Can you fill in the empty spaces? 
How do you know which numbers to use?
Is there only one solution?

In the 2×2 multiplication square above, the boxes at the end of each row and the foot of each column give the result of multiplying the two numbers in that row or column.

Can you work out the arrangement of the digits in the square so that the given products are correct?
The numbers 19  may be used once and once only. Is there only one solution? How do you know? What helped you solve the grid? Write your comments below and let us know when you have solved this challenge.

Try some more here
Or try this Multiples Grid NRich problem to extend your thinking. 

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