
Thursday 30 April 2020

[Thursday] Good Morning Year 4!

Good morning! I hope you all slept well.

Thank you Kirsty, Ayaan and Rushane for sending in your work yesterday. I must say Thor is a very popular Norse god since all of you chose him!
 Well done Kirsty for your amazing unicorn drawing! Very impressive I must say! 

Yesterday's sentence winner is....Rushane! 
Here's his sentence:

In the middle of the night, Rushane watched horror movies whilst eating scrumptious popcorn. 

This morning, we will review our learning on inverted commas ("  ").

First, watch this video. 

Task 1: Add in the missing inverted commas ("  ").

1) Miss Alice announced, The school trip is cancelled. 
2) That's not fair! shouted the toddler. 
3) What did you say? asked Kirsty. 
4) My favourite food is pizza! exclaimed Nico. 

Task 2: Change the following speech bubbles into speech using inverted commas. 

For example, 

Answer: The hero flew through the air and shouted, "Hold on tight! I'll save you!"
Make sure you remember the capital letter for the speech and the inverted commas! 

Think about 'How to Train your Dragon'. Write the part where Hiccup went on the Initiation programme. Include at least 5 speech! (from Hiccup, Fishlegs, Gobber, Snotlout or the other boys)

Miss Alice 😸

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