
Wednesday 22 April 2020

[Wednesday] Good Morning Year 4!

Hello Year 4!

Yesterday, I received some great work from Ayaan and Nevaeh! Well done for your powerful setting description. I enjoyed reading them. 😄

Today for English, I would like you to look at different types of sentences.

Watch this video below.

Identify the type of the sentences. Is it a statement/ question/ command / exclamation? 

1) I miss going to school and hanging out with my friends. 
2) When is Rushane's birthday?
3) Do you want to build a snowman?
4) Stop shouting. 
5) How awful! 
6) Angela baked a banana bread yesterday. 
7) Sit up. 

Miss Alice 😸


  1. Rushane Munroe-Walker23 April 2020 at 16:23

    Hi Miss Alice

    I've completed this work and it was easy. How are you? I miss you so much. please keep safe and I hope to see you very soon.

  2. Well done Rushane!
    I miss you and everyone a lot too! I hope you are doing well at home.
    Keep safe!
